Obtain complementary experimental data to fill remaining gaps for model development and validation
MUSIC-haic (WP1) will provide the missing experimental data for ICI model completion. New experiments will be performed to fill the main gaps and to provide the modellers with data necessary to formulate new models or to improve and re-calibrate existing ones.
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Complete the development of Ice Crystal Icing (ICI) models
MUSIC-haic (WP2) will complete the development of a comprehensive set of models for ICI. Building on HAIC outcomes and using data issued from WP1 and former research projects, ICI models will be progressively improved and implemented in existing 2D codes for calibration and validation purposes. At the end of WP2, a numerical benchmark will be organised to cross-check the different models and to select the best candidates for implementation in 3D numerical tools.
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Implement the ICI models in existing industrial 3D multi-disciplinary numerical tools
MUSIC-haic (WP3) will first specify the requirements for the 3D tools and will interact with WP1 regarding test matrices definition and with WP2 for models’ specifications. It will perform the necessary changes in the partners’ existing 3D multi-disciplinary tools to prepare the implementation of the new ICI models. The down-selected models issued from WP2 will then be integrated. Finally, a series of preliminary validation tests will be performed to ensure that all the tools are ready to run for WP4 applications.
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Perform extensive validation of the new ICI numerical capability through comparison of numerical results with academic and industrial data (ranging from simple geometric configurations, intermediate complexity tests, to industrial test cases) to reach TRL6
MUSIC-haic (WP4) will perform the final assessment of the 3D tools developed. Relevant test cases for design and certification will be defined and run by the industrial partners with the support of tool developers. The selected test cases will be based on the existing industrial databases. Result analyses, qualitative results, main conclusions and best practices (and further needed developments if any) will be shared and agreed among all partners.
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